How can I get my items shipped to Hawaii, Alaska or internationally?

Unfortunately, the shipping costs out of WV are higher to those destinations. We love to sell to Hawaii and Alaska (and visit those states as well) but need to get individual shipping quotes. Internationally we will check and decide if we can serve you better from another international PREBENA location.

Why do you not accept returns?

We made some bad experiences selling on Amazon.com. Some buyers ordered larger quantities, some without really knowing / checking for the right size or type, others apparently just using a very few staples for their project before sending all back at our expense. As Amazon did not change their rules, we decided to make our own shop for serious (and honest) people.

What do I do if I have a defective product?

We ensure that all products leave our warehouse in good quality. If you receive a damaged package, please inform and claim - best at moment of receiving - at the carrier. Take pictures. If you need further support, please contact us we can support to solve the issue.

What if an item is on backorder?

During the order process you will see our availability. You have the following options:

  • You can choose to order the full quantity you need, we will either produce within two business day to ship the quantity you ordered or will ship what we have in stock right away and the remainder when available at our expense in a second shipment.
  • You can reduce your order quantity to our stock availability.

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What if I am not sure about the right product for my tool?

We have extensive reference list with search functions, you should be able to reference your fastener. If we missed it, please contact us and we will do our best to help you. If we are in doubt, we will send you a small sample to ensure that the fastener will work for you.

Can I order larger quantities?

Sure, that is our main business. Our business customers usually order from mixed pallets to full truckloads - if you need so much, please call us at 304-622-5553 or email us at info@prebena.com. We will prepare an individual quote for you.

Do you offer tools for your fasteners?

We do not yet offer tools at our webstore. For some of our fasteners we have PREBENA tools. Some of them have the "disadvantage" that they last forever, and we have problems to service 30-year-old tools with spare parts. However, most of them are designed for heavy-duty industrial use and are rather expensive for most users.

Why do you offer fasteners for many other brand names?

When PREBENA started manufacturing in 1960, there were not as many brands as today. In Germany PREBENA started and still has some own types which are niche products only in the US. However, PREBENA always produced for other brand names in their packaging as well as in PREBENA boxes - these are our main business now.

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